
Sometimes when you are walking the road of recovery, you slip, stumble, and relapse.

When this happens it can feel like all is lost, and all that hard work you have put into being sober has gone to waste. 

Yet, relapse is common, and taking a more pragmatic view of the experience, while using it to ensure you get the additional help and support you need on your journey can help you achieve the long-term goal that you so desire – a happy and fulfilling life of sobriety. Read on to find out more. 

Overcoming Relapse: Missouri Recovery Center

Relapse – The Statistics 

Approximately 40-60% of people experience some kind of relapse on their path to drug or alcohol recovery. That can sound like a very scary statistic for anyone on their journey or currently going through a relapse. 

However, here at Grand Falls, we realize that relapse does not have to mean your journey to recovery has failed. Indeed, such a high instance demonstrates that many people need to perfect their recovery plan before they can live a fully sober life. 

The good news is that by using relapse as a learning experience you can better get acquainted with your triggers to use, as well as fortify your coping mechanisms and support systems to ensure you stay on the path to recovery the next time temptation comes your way.  

What Things Can Cause A Relapse?

There are many situations that can trigger a relapse in someone who is a recovering addict. Things like arguments with friends and family are common triggers, as is peer pressure, being exposed to others using, and feeling low. 

Surprisingly, having a positive mood can also be a trigger for relapse, and that is why it is so important to know your triggers and have a plan in place for how to deal with them. 

What Are The Warning Signs Of A Relapse?

While not every individual is the same, and signs will differ from person to person there are some things that most commonly precede a relapse. These include: 

Overcoming Relapse: Missouri Recovery Center

Not Being Internally Motivated For Recovery 

Often those in recovery are there because of the concern loved ones and family members have shown. Sometimes people attend recovery programs because they are ordered to by the courts. While in both cases recovery can be successful, some people may struggle to stay sober when they have not decided to do so themselves. 

Not Being Prepared For Post-Treatment Life 

Substance abuse often arises as a form of maladaptive coping, for situations and emotions that a person feels they cannot deal with sober. What this means is each individual must learn to manage these situations and feelings without the use of substances if they are to stay sober. If they do not have these skills it can put them at greater risk of relapse. 

Not Having Access To Your Support System

No man or woman is an island, and those recovering from substance abuse often need lots of support from professionals and loved ones to make it through the more challenging moments of their journey. Unfortunately, if these supports become unavailable it can trigger feelings of overwhelm that can lead to relapse. 

What To Do If You Relapse?

The first thing do to if you relapse is to remember that you have not failed at recovery, rather you have just encountered a bump along the road to sobriety. Next, it’s important to consider whether you need the level of support that going back to inpatient Drug Rehab offers you. 

Indeed, for many that relapse inpatient addiction care offers the structure and support that they need to work with their triggers, and revisit their values and goals in life in a sober situation. 

Choose Grand Falls Center For Recovery For All Your Relapse Recovery and Rehab Needs 

At Grand Falls Center For Recovery, we offer a distinctive addiction treatment experience, one that is firmly rooted in evidence-based research, and put the client at the center of everything we do. 

We take a unique approach to addiction and alcohol Rehab and relapse treatment that involves a careful balance of psychological therapy combined with detox services, which provide our patients with the best chance of beating their addiction. 

We also have a dedicated and caring team that is committed to improving the lives of every person who walks through our facility’s doors. 

Here at Grand Falls Addiction Treatment Center, we provide people with the strength and skills to recover, rebuild their lives, and live a rich and fulfilling sober life. 
So, whether you need Drug Treatment or Alcohol Treatment, be sure to get in touch or visit our website, today for more information on our rehab facilities.


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