Opioids are a major public health issue, making headlines and dominating the news cycle across America. Unfortunately, much of what we hear about opioid abuse is based on myths and stereotypes rather than facts.

To help clear up confusion around this pressing topic, this blog post will tackle 10 commonly held beliefs related to opioids and highlight evidence-based research to debunk them.

Myth: All Opioids Are Highly Addictive

This is simply not true. While some opioids, such as heroin, are highly addictive and can lead to dependence and addiction after just a few uses, other opioids, such as oxycodone, may not be as addictive if used responsibly and under the guidance of a doctor. The risk of addiction increases when opioids are taken for longer periods of time or in higher doses than prescribed by a doctor.

All Opioid Abuse Is Intentional

Not all opioid abuse is intentional or done for recreational purposes. Some people become addicted to opioids after taking them for legitimate medical reasons and find it difficult to stop using them even when they no longer need them. Other people may accidentally become addicted due to taking more than the prescribed dose or taking them for longer than intended.

Taking Opioids Is Always Unsafe

Taking opioids is not always unsafe. When taken correctly and under the guidance of a doctor, opioids can be an effective way to manage pain without putting yourself at risk for addiction or overdose. It’s important to take opioids only as directed by your doctor and never take more than the prescribed amount.

There Is No Treatment For Opioid Addiction

There are many treatments available for opioid addiction, including medication-assisted treatment (MAT), counseling, support groups, and lifestyle changes such as exercise and healthy eating habits.

MAT combines medications with behavioral therapy to help reduce cravings and withdrawal symptoms while also helping patients develop healthier coping strategies for managing their addiction in the long term.

Addiction Is a Moral Weakness

Addiction is not caused by moral weakness but rather by changes in brain chemistry that can make it difficult to control one’s use of drugs or alcohol despite wanting to quit or reduce use. In fact, substance use disorders are recognized medical conditions that require professional treatment in order to recover successfully.

Relapse Means Failure

Relapse does not mean failure but rather an opportunity to learn from mistakes and adjust one’s recovery plan accordingly in order to better manage triggers in the future and stay on track with recovery goals over time.

Relapse is common among those recovering from substance use disorders but should be viewed as part of the process rather than a sign of defeat or failure on behalf of the individual struggling with addiction.

Detoxing At Home Is Safe

Detoxing at home can be dangerous due to potential complications that could arise during withdrawal from certain substances such as opioids which can cause serious health risks if done without medical supervision. It is important that individuals seek out professional help when attempting detoxification so that they can receive proper care throughout this process.

Overdose Cannot Be Reversed

Naloxone, also known as Narcan, is an emergency medication used specifically for reversing opioid overdoses. This life-saving medication works by blocking opioid receptors in the brain so that individuals who have overdosed on opioids will regain consciousness shortly after administration.

Therefore, it is important that family members, friends, first responders, and healthcare providers are aware of this medication so they can act quickly if someone overdoses on an opioid.

Addiction Only Affects Certain People

Addiction does not discriminate based on age, gender, race, or socioeconomic background — anyone can become addicted regardless of who they are or where they come from.

Substance use disorders affect millions of Americans each year regardless of their background or circumstances which means anyone could potentially struggle with addiction at some point in their life it’s important we all remain aware of this possibility so we know how best to respond if someone close to us needs help overcoming an addiction problem.

There Is No Hope For Recovery From Opioid Addiction

With proper treatment through medication-assisted therapy (MAT) combined with counseling sessions aimed at addressing underlying issues related to one’s addictive behaviors along with lifestyle changes such as regular exercise routines and healthy eating habits — full recovery from opioid addiction is possible!

Contact Grand Falls Center for Recovery Today

If you or someone you know is suffering from opioid addiction, don’t hesitate to reach out for help. Grand Falls Center for Recovery offers comprehensive treatment plans specifically tailored for individuals dealing with opioid usage and withdrawal symptoms.

Contact us today and learn more about how our team can assist you in understanding how to break free from the cycle of opioid abuse and get back on track with your life!


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